Uber Eats Japan - QR PJs

Turning nightwear into the easiest way to order food.


Japan is famous for its late night culture. Uber Eats, the only delivery service in Japan to deliver late into the night, was seeking to own this market and highlight their major differentiator from the competition.

The solution:

We created pyjamas that turned your body into a menu and made ordering your favourite late-night dish so easy that you could do it in your sleep. This special ‘late night’ attire featured the most commonly ordered after-hours cuisines and highlighted just how conveniently nocturnal folk could satisfy their cravings, cementing Uber Eats as the premier late night food service in Japan.

Launched on Twitch and leveraging nighttime media, like shopping channel on TV.


  • 45% of all first time users acquired during the campaign period (mid Feb to end of March) came through the Late Night campaign.

  • +75% monthly acquisitions

  • 78% 'late night' messaging takeout

  • Campaign contributed to 2.5% of the GB during this time.

  • 1.8M impressions on social.

  • 50% positive sentiment (making this the most loved UE social campaign of the year)

Roles: concept, creative tech.


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